churches in rome

Catholic wedding in St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican City, Rome

Rome is the city where the State of the Vatican City lives, which brings a quality of intense joy to Catholic couples. The beauty of St. Peters's and the Sistine Chapel appeal to all.
For a Catholic, celebrating a wedding within St. Peter's Basilica has a profoundly spiritual meaning. Regency can help you to plan a Catholic wedding in St. Peter's Basilica.

The St Peter Basilica is the world's largest church, with a floor area of 21,477 m2. The external perimeter is 1,778 metres, it is 186.35 metres long and 97.50 metres wide. The main nave is 40 metres high, and the dome 132.50 metres. There are 44 altars, 11 domes, 778 columns, 395 statues, 135 mosaic panels.

The story of the basilica starts with the martyrdom of Peter. It is built on the site of the Circus of Caligula and Nero, where the Apostle and first Bishop of Rome was crucified in the year 64 or 67. In the second half of the 2nd century, a monument was erected over St Peter's tomb. The first church here was built about 324 -329 over the tomb of St Peter, on the orders of Emperor Constantine.

The 3rd century memorial to the Apostle remained the centre of attention. It was set in a rectangular, marble-coated prism which was visible from the nave. Through an opening in the pavement, objects such as strips of cloth could be lowered down to the monument to make relics. The monument was surmounted by a bronze canopy supported by four twisted columns.

The basilica was in a bad shape by the time of the papacy of Nicholas V (1447-1455). He asked Bernardo Rossellino to design a new church. Work started 1452, but at the death of Nicholas V in 1455 it was suspended for nearly 50 years. It was Pope Julius II (1503-1513) who finally started work on the new basilica. Donato Bramante was given the job of designing it. He planned a Greek cross plan, with a large central dome. At his death in 1511, Raphael, Frea Giocondo da Verona and Antonio da Sangallo were commissioned to continue. As more space was needed, a longer nave was added, creating a Latin cross plan rather than a Greek cross. As the last of the three new architects, da Sangallo, died in 1546, Michelangelo was asked to complete the church. He attempted to return to Bramante's design, and it is mainly in the area of the apse that his work can be seen. He also designed the main dome, but died before it was completed. Vignola followed, and then in 1573 Giacomo della Porta. The dome was completed by Domenico Fontana in 1589, and inaugurated in 1593. The façade was the last major part to be completed, in 1606-1614. It was designed by Carlo Maderno, who also added three new chapels on each side of the nave. In 1629, while working on the bronze canopy over the high altar, Bernini was appointed as the new architect of the basilica. All the major parts had been completed, but there was still enough work to occupy him for another half century. His work includes the Piazza San Pietro and much of the interior decoration.

Nowdays within St. Peter's Basilica- in the Choir Chapel - Catholic rite wedding ceremonies may be celebrated.
The Choir's Chapel .