Weddings in Rome

Unforgettable Rome wedding venues

A wedding in Rome has a very special meaning because Rome for some 2,800 years has been the place where culture, religion, art and history have intersected and merged, giving rise to extraordinary human experiences. Rome, the 'Eternal City' where romance and history can be breathed into every marriage and event. Rome is the only city in the world, where modern, ancient and medieval seem to mix, seamlessl..

It is so easy to find a charming wedding venue in Rome: the authenticity of every wall, column, archway lends beauty and uniqueness to every garden and terrace: weddings in Rome always have a great charm that comes from authentic, real and unrepeatable settings.

For more than 20 years it has been wonderful for P & J ( Paolo and Jinane ) to design weddings and events in a city where the artists and architects of the Roman style, the Renaissance, the Baroque of the Rococo have truly worked. Rome is still the symbol of the Dolce Vita, and a place of interest for world cinema that chooses Rome for its uniqueness as was recently the case for the latest MIssion Impossible, or Equalizer 3 .

Our team will be happy to work with you to find the perfect wedding venue from the hundreds possible in Rome. Every year a newly restored venue always comes out as brought back to its former glory, so never resign yourself to looking at wedding venues already used in other events.

catholic Weddings Rome civil Weddings Rome



Wedding in Tuscany,Wedding in Amalfi coast,Rome,Como lake,Venice,Sicily

Catholic weddings in St. Peter's Basilica

We can help you plan a Catholic wedding in St. Peter's Basilica and in other churches in Vatican City such as Santo Stefano degli Abissini and Sant' Anna.

For a Catholic, celebrating a wedding within St. Peter's Basilica has a profoundly spiritual meaning. St Peter's Basilica is the world's largest church, with a floor area of 21,477 square meters.

more about weddings in St. Peter

St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City - Rome

Rome weddings & Roman style

The wealth of architectural and artistic treasures makes weddings in Rome a truly unforgettable experience. Don't forget the Colosseum, the Forum and Palatine Hill, St. Peter's Basilica and Via Veneto. Following in the footsteps of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn takes us to rediscover the cult sites of Rome's Dolce Vita that still remains one of the most interesting themes for events and weddings anywhere in the world.. The style of marriage in Rome is intimately linked to the concept of La Dolce Vita and more recently to the Oscar-winning The Great Beauty. It is certainly fascinating to celebrate one's wedding in the venues of famous movies

In addition to the incredible monuments-the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Vatican, the Catacombs-and the majestic squares, the city offers a surprising number of hidden nooks and quiet neighborhoods with romantic spots for unrepeatable wedding ceremonies, unbelievable wedding receptions with a Rome view.

Culturally, the city is in constant archaeological turmoil, Beneath present-day Rome exist many other versions of Rome. One only has to dig to unearth fantastic architectural works that can be a new venue for an unforgettable wedding in Rome. Surrounding Rome are the so-called Castelli Romani, or small hill towns, historical and cultural excellences known for culinary traditions, and beautiful views. Also in the Castelli Romani are pleasant wedding venues such as Roman villas and Renaissance medieval castles and farmhouses from the 1800s .

unforgettable Rome wedding