Wedding Chocolate in Tuscany Italy - Amedei Chocolate stations and corners

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AMEDEI - For Your Special Day
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Weddings & Events

A unique luxury experience, offering your guests the best chocolate in the world… Amedei decided to implement a wedding service, based on an exclusive proposal of chocolate corners and dedicated products, which will enrich your wedding banquet. Creating an astonishing atmoshpere, our complete product range – from pralines to napolitains, to “iced chocolate” – is suitable to satisfy exigent and sophisticated palate. The chocolate corners represents the offer for catering and banqueting services, wedding, events: their open formula allows them to be customized, following customer’s needs. Especially for weddings, Amedei created a dedicated line of packed pralines, which will give to your ceremony an unforgettable elegant italian touch.
To design your wedding reception and get details about chocolate corners, iced chocolate and chocolate favors
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PHONE from US: 011 378 941108 - from Europe: +378 941108
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