Amedei decided in spring 2011 to “open its doors”: it is possible, only by appointment, to visit the plant and experience some of the important production processes.


To design your wedding reception and get details about chocolate corners, iced chocolate and chocolate favors

The tours allow you to follow the various processes of chocolate making, by an explanatory video and a chocolate tasting, walking through the whole production process (from the beans of cocoa and from the refinement of the mixture right through to conching or processing of the chocolate), with the final opportunity to learn the art of chocolate tasting.Two possible tours: the first lasts for an hour and a half; the second will include a visit to some parts of the production areas and should take two and a half hours. Groups should include at least four persons but not more than ten. Indulge yourselves in chocolate like never before!

For information about Amedei Chocolate Culture and to organize a tour of the factory,

please send us an email to