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Music curiosity and news in Italy.

MITO Settembre Musica
Torino Milano – International Music festival, September 03_27 IX 2007

The festival features proposals that range from music of the Middle Ages to music that was composed yesterday, or the day before. There are events featuring music from Europe, the United States, Japan, Korea; there’s jazz, tango, fado, along with some of the most sumptuous selections from the classical and romantic repertoires. There’s baroque opera. There’s the improvisation of Galliano’s extemporaneous accordion detours based on Piazzolla’s tangos. There’s all the rigor of the highly stylized and studied technique in Beethoven’s Grosse Fuge. The festival provides the perfect opportunity rethink concepts and discover places that laziness and conformity have kept us away from. In these very intense three weeks, music washes over the two cities – Turin and Milan - like a great soothing wave; it enters theaters and concert halls, winds its way inside churches and courtyards; music fills museums and university lecture halls, takes possession of piazzas and cloisters; music adds a new, kind, deep perspective to streets, porticoes, parvises and gardens, able to bring new luster to that which is already known and, at times, transform it into something unexpected.